Faculty & Staff: View the video tutorial on how to grant an override in Banner.
Registration Override Instructions (PDF)


You receive a an error registering for a course you will receive an email to your GMAIL account that contains additional information on the restriction that you can then share with your adviser.

If the faculty member grants an override the student must then register for the course by entering the CRN on the ADD CLASSES WORKSHEET at the bottom of the ADD OR DROP CLASSES page and hit submit. Always go back and view your schedule to verify you are now enrolled in the class.

Scroll down to see some common registrations errors, what they mean... and how to resolve.



You do not have enough earned credit hours to meet the class designation for the course.  A section can be reserved for one or more (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and/or Senior).

Action in Banner:
Select another course appropriate to your enrollment level (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior) or get permission to add the class from the instructor or department.

Class has reached its enrollment/student capacity limit.

Action in Banner:
For some classes waitlist options are available. If not, then select another class or get permission to add the class from the instructor or department.

The course requested requires enrollment in another course (e.g., lab or lecture) during the same semester. You must take these two courses during the same semester.

Action in Banner:
Select & register for the additional indicated required course.

You have already registered for this course/section.

Action in Banner:
Drop the course from your schedule.


This class requires permission of the instructor for this enrollment.

Action in Banner:
Ask the instructor to give you an instructor permission override so that you may register for the class or choose another class.

Your level of study does not meet the criteria for the section (for example, you are an undergraduate student attempting to register for a graduate course).

Action in Banner:
Select another course or contact the instructor to see if you are eligible to take this course, you would need to obtain an override from the instructor or department in order to do so.

The course you are registering for will put you beyond the amount of credits you are allowed to take per semester.

  • Good Standing: 19
  • Probation: 15
  • Non-Matriculated 11

Action in Banner:
Seek a maximum hours override from your Dean or if undeclared, then Advisement Director.

Enrollment in course is limited to specified major.

Action in Banner:
Select another course or gain admission to the major specified.


Although the system is currently showing a seat available, this seat is being reserved for the next student on the waitlist.

Action in Banner:
If you receive this message, you can choose to add yourself to the wait list by choosing Wait Listed from the drop down action field and clicking on Submit Changes.

You do not have a course in your academic history required to register for this course. Section may be reserved for a specific group which you are not a member. Certain sections are reserved for Honors, EOP, or Orientation (first-semester) students only.

Action in Banner:
Register for the required prerequisite or consult with the instructor or department of this course to obtain a pre-requisite override

You are attempting to register for a course you already received transfer credit for or took at Buffalo State and received a grade of C or better. Seek advisor input for alternate options.

Action in Banner:
Repeat of Course Not Allowed.

Your student record is not active.

Action in Banner:
Contact the Registrar's Office at 716-878-4811.


The class you selected meets at the same time as another class selected.

Action in Banner:
Select another class or section.