Late Add Process in Banner SSB

Each Spring and Fall semester, students will have the ability to Late Add courses via Banner self-service (SSB).  Beginning the 2nd week of classes, when “regular” registration activity typically ends, students who wish to register for a course will be able to add the class to their Add or Drop Courses Worksheet in Banner self-service (SSB). Adding a course must be done by the student directly in Banner. The Registrar's Office does not provide overrides or register students. Every active section in the master schedule will have the Instructor Permission restriction applied to it at 12:00am on the day after the established drop/add deadline. When a student attempts to add a course, their action will produce an Instructor Permission error and prevent the registration. An automatic email will be generated and sent to the student’s Outlook account. The student must then send the detailed email message directly to the email of the instructor of the class, requesting permission to add the class.  If the instructor agrees, the instructor will enter the override in Banner self-service (SSB). The student will be able to see that the override has been granted by viewing their Registration Status screen for that semester.  The student would then be able to add that course by entering the four digit CRN on the Add or Drop Classes Worksheet.  A late fee of $20.00 will automatically be assessed on the student’s account for each course add. Step by Step Process Documentation (PDF)

Some classes may have additional restrictions on it which would then require additional overrides. Each time a student gets a registration add error message when attempting to register, they will also get an automatic email listing what the error is. Each error gets its own message and automatic email.

This online process allows all correspondence between the student and instructor to occur via email and expedites the student’s ability to attend class faster and stay on track. Students should be reminded that they should only be attempting to add a class if they have been attending the class since the beginning of the semester. Online Late Add is only available starting the day after the established drop/add deadline and lasts a total of 9 calendar days for a regular fall and spring semester. It's always important to review the established deadlines by semester by referencing the Academic Calendar.

As always, students are strongly encouraged to complete all their registration-related activity including dropping and adding classes by the established drop/add deadline so they have their schedule of classes, attend classes from the semester start date, and do not need to add classes late. Adding a class late is disruptive to the class and for the instructor and can create challenges for the student if they are behind in the classwork.

Please note the following:

  • This process is not available for January Term. J-Term is a very short, three-week term so students must be registered by the established drop/add deadline.
  • Also, during the summer, there are multiple sessions offered. It's important to always reference the Summer Deadline Calendar and/or Academic Calendar for the specific Online Late Add Process in Banner SSB start and end dates by session.